Sunday, April 14, 2013

Instrument Oral Prep

Today I felt great!  I was able to work in the garden, go to church and go to the airport and work with one of my friends in preparation for his instrument checkride. 
  My standard introduction to instrument flight training begins with "There is nothing hard about instrument flight' two or three hundred really easy things that will kill you if you do not get it right...but nothing hard."

  Toward the end of the process when preparing for the verbal portion of the checkride one often begins to realize just how much very technical information they have retained. 
What are the requirements to be current (legally)?  Flight review, carrying passengers, night, instrument approaches...This leads to questions on the wings program, who can be a safety pilot, what is category and class, what is an IPC, where can you find the requirements, and the BIG one.  Currency vs. proficiency and how that relates to personal minimums. 
  What inspections are required for the aircraft to be airworthy...Maintenance type (AV1ATE) Annual, VOR, 100 hour (if for hire), Altimeter (pitot static), Transponder and ELT.  What are the types of VOR checks, accuracy and how does this relate to 91.205 requirements for radios appropriate (WAAS).  Who can do an annual,  who can take a wait that is the candyman.  Anyway what is the difference between an annual and a 100 hour who can sign it off...what are ADs and STCs.  What is preventative maintenance?  Cool maintenance inspections are good...what documents are required to be on board the aircraft, what about the pilot, what are the minimum equipment requirements for day VFR, night and IFR flight, heck lets do oxygen and overwater also.  Then we pull out a chart and plan a flight, I generally start with a flight to a poopy brown airport (no IAP) so we can get into the details of when and alternate is required and non IAP alternates...then to a big airport so we can get into the infamous 12345 memory aid...and then standard alternates, nonstandard alternate minimums and heck may as well talk about nonstandard takeoff minimums and the difference between a DP and a ODP
This seems to be a post I could continue to add to and it would be useful to people

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