Tuesday, December 20, 2022

So, you want to be an airline pilot

 I am often asked how to become an airline pilot. Each individual has their own motivations and part of the equation is to determine why and that will guide them. Money, lifestyle and the love of aviation are common reasons to become a pilot. I caution them that the industry is very volatile and stability is uncertain. One day the job market is great and they are hiring like crazy with good compensation and the next furloughs and bankruptcies are common. The effects of COVID are the latest example. I try to steer people away from incurring large debt and establishing a solid back up plan, that is learning a skill that does not depend on the airline industry.

With that being said there are several ways to get the ratings and certificates with the adage of “quick, good and cheap; pick two” applying to the journey. The military offers training that is good and cheap to the individual but comes with a time commitment. Explore all the branches including the guard and reserve. Aviation colleges and universities offer good training but the price is high. There are many options from community colleges to four-year institutions. UND, Liberty, Embry-Riddle. If this is the route one chooses; get a degree, rating or minor that allows non-flying opportunities. Aviation schools are a fast option but tend to have an equally high cost. Some of the big names are ATP, flight safety and others.

This is where we start to talk about the difference between part 61 and 141, the FAA regulations that govern pilot training. Part 61 has more flexibility but requires more hours. Part 141 is very structured, requires less hours but has some challenges. The fast routes tend to have relatively new instructors that are building their experience and may not be seasoned enough to deal with learning plateaus. Part 61 has tremendous variety and can range from a large flying club or school to a single airplane with a single instructor at an airport or grass strip. A recent additional route are ab-intro academies sponsored or run by the airlines. My knowledge of these programs is limited. European countries have used this model for years.

The path for civilian qualifications is student pilot, private pilot, instrument rating, commercial pilot and airline transport pilot. The instructor rating is generally part of the progression. At some point a multi-engine rating is required. The commercial rating is required before you can get paid for flying and the ATP rating is required to fly for the airlines. The ATP rating requires 1500 hours with some exceptions. The airlines will assist pilots with 1500 hours in completing the ATP rating.

I would advise people to sign up with AOPA, it is free for the first six months. Also explore the FAA website since it provides all the training standards and reference materials. Mutilple scholarships are available to the motivated. I learned through a military flying club and took several years before I had the required ratings.

I was blessed to be a member of the Wings of Carolina Flying Club. At the time we had about a dozen airplanes and around 300 members. When I initially had the hours for an airline job the pay was not lucrative enough to pry me away. Over ten years of teaching at the club I was able to help several people on their journey to airline pilot. It is possible to progress rapidly but, it requires a commitment from both the student and instructor(s). Three to five lessons a week with an understanding that weather cancellations mean ground school and/or simulator time to keep progressing. When the weather precluded other students from utilizing my time we could fill in the gaps. For example when a private student was scheduled for cross country work and the weather was below VFR we could work in an instrument lesson. Part of the beauty of the club is that a dedicated individual can learn from multiple sources. The love of aviation runs high at the club and it is easy to talk other instructors into substitute teaching when the primary instructor schedule does not align. Several of our club alumni spent time learning at maintenance night and other club events and now they wear airline uniforms.

One of the coolest thing about mixing with the people at the club is that not all of them became airline pilots. Some are NASA researchers, military aviators, air traffic controllers, dispatchers and AMTs. There are others that took other paths and design websites. The beauty of learning at the club is that there is no pressure to conform to a certain career path. But, if you want it we can work on it.

Happiness in the real world

 Several years ago, I got a DUI. It was a significant emotional event. I was very depressed and my buddy Walter Morgan took me out to lunch. He listened to me whine for a while and then said “Ronney, you are an asshole.”

I responded “Thanks Walt, that is just what I needed.”

He said “If you got divorced and were kicked out of the Air Force you could and probably would bounce back. THAT bastard has a reason to whine.” pointing at a dude in a wife beater sitting on the porch of his run-down South Carolina red neck trailer.

“Stand up, do a triage on yourself and drive on.”

I began a long journey, searching my soul, reading multiple books and reflecting on the deeper meaning of life. I was sent to the Air Force drunk class so I had a few days without distraction. It was around this time that my son was learning how to get up and dress himself. One day he came into the room very early in the morning and loudly announced “Dad, I woke up!” In my sleepy decaffeinated nicotine deprived grumpy state I wanted to respond negatively but, I did not. Love is a powerful thing. I said “That is awesome!”

I began to think “Ronney, you need to be grateful that you woke up, you are alive and that means you have a chance.” A chance to do what?

One of the books I read was “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective people.” I recommend reading it. One of the book's more powerful exercises was to develop a mission statement with the thought of what will people say at your funeral. Think about your legacy, how you effect the world and the people around you. Although I have revisited it many times my personal mission statement remains fairly constant.

Concurrent with the soul searching and focused reading was a realization of how blessed I am. I started to think of ways to serve those less fortunate, not to give them handouts but a hand up. I started tutoring with the community college as a volunteer. I was teaching adults to read. It was amazing because I got to help some amazing people. One was a welder who had to find employment since the Charleston Naval Shipyard was cutting back. This man had done more for his country than I and was in dire straits since he was functionally illiterate. That is to say he could navigate through life but, missed out on so many nuances since he could barely read. Another was an 80-year preacher who wanted to read the Bible to his grand-kids. He had memorized the Bible. Soon the staff realized I was able to teach math and I began to tutor adult GED students.

When I focused on serving others and being a conduit for God's grace, I did not have time to reflect on the slings and arrows of my misfortunes. Living life with a larger purpose than my own sniveling needs keeps me busy and keeps my perspective grounded in the reality that I am not the center of the universe. My life journey has taken many turns since and I learned forgiveness. I remain a flawed selfish creature that fails daily but I learned to forgive even myself and concentrate on my mission. I am not living for myself anymore. It is strange that since I started focusing on the eternal and external, I have come to appreciate my present existence and generally have internal peace.

Your mission will be different than mine but formulating what you think it is will be a worthwhile exercise. If you internalize your mission, it gives you purpose. Dealing with the inevitable setbacks and stresses of life are easier when you have a larger goal. I tend to use exercise, prayer and action to manage my stress. Action can be as simple as gardening, playing with critters, motorcycle riding, shooting or as complex as flying.

There is a God, you ain't him (nor am I)

 I do not care what you believe, or more accurately, I do not care very deeply. It is between you and God. One of the fundamental questions in life is the nature of our self. Do we exist only in the flesh and cease consciousness when we die? Descartes pondered the eternal and came up with the postulate that if you do exist forever and act as if you do not then you would likely regret your actions, but if you do not exist forever then there is no harm in living your life as if it has consequences.

Do you believe in God? It seems to be a yes or no question although some agnostics want to sidestep the question. If your answer is no then why not act only in your own interests? In that universe, to quote a good friend, we are only self-aware dirt in transition. An accident happened with no real purpose and we exist only for a breath and then we are no more. A most dangerous prayer is to sincerely ask “God, if you are real, show me.”

If you find you believe in God what is His nature? Humans often ascribe our sense of morality on the eternal. We think we are the arbitrators of right and wrong. If there is an all powerful God that created the universe who are we to question motives? A speck of dust on a speck of dust screaming “it's not fair.” The Bible reveals God's nature. One of the recurring themes is the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God. Fearing the consequences of our words, deeds and thoughts. Whether we want to or not we will be judged. God is holy and perfect, against that standard we fail. The old testament is full of rules and sacrifices to atone for breaking those rules. The Jewish people were constantly presenting sacrifices to atone for their sins. In the new testament God sent Jesus to earth to provide an everlasting payment for the sins of mankind. You only need to believe in Him as your savior. It seems like an easy deal, and it is, but you are expected to repent and turn away from your sins and live a new life.

Failing to live up to the standard is not the end of your journey. We are in a constant battle between our natural tendency to rebel and the Holy Spirit's divine grace. God will use you to fulfill His purpose, “Even the wicked are made for the day of disaster.” I do not pretend to understand why we are given free-will AND our destiny is preordained. I know my rebellious selfish nature is wrong and I fall short. I know God helps me to know the difference and sometimes I choose correctly.

More thoughts on prayer


Prayer is NOT a replacement for medical or psychological treatment. As far as I have observed and experienced prayer does not work as a wish granting device. Pain and suffering may be part of your life despite praying for relief. You can not pray your way out of the earthly consequences of your behavior. Asking for forgiveness and expressing regret is NOT repentance. Prayer supplements rather than replaces hard work and preparation. Prayer is not an excuse for inaction. Both good people and evil people pray. Everyone dies.

My thoughts on prayer

 Prayer is a way for us to speak to God. I am sure that God does not care if you use certain words or strike certain poses. He knows your heart so sincerity is probably the only criteria. The Bible tells us to pray continuously.

Since God spoke the universe into existence I believe verbalizing is powerful. The very act of speaking takes effort and the sound of your voice resonates within you. Praying publicly is scary. It is weird to think that we worry about what other humans think when we are addressing God, but we do. The Quakers are a sect of Christianity that endorses silent prayer. So much so that they quake in silence. Many other belief systems pray. It seems that elaborate ceremonial procedures can help people get closer to God. I try not to judge others on their methods or connection since I am just a human.

The benefit of prayer is documented in secular and scientific literature. Many of the studies indicate that the expression of gratitude increases personal satisfaction. It is somewhat ironic that expressing thankfulness makes people happier. In my personal experience prayer is a way for me to connect with God. I talk to Him directly. My prayers are often answered, sometimes like I imagined but more often in ways I did not expect. I try to remember that my time on earth is limited and only part of the journey. The trials and lessons are meant to develop me. I know I was built for a purpose. Understanding and fulfilling my mission is an evolving process. Prayer allows me to both vent and reflect. Listening and obeying God is the second half of prayer. The communications is not one way. It scares people, myself included, to listen to the voices in my head. It is a vulnerable place to be when you quiet your mind and let God speak to you. I would not say that I hear a specific voice that tells me what to do, but on the rare occasions I shut up I do recognize the right thing to do. I think that is why I am drawn to extreme activities. When hurtling toward imminent doom on the edge of a giant wave that will crush me I cannot focus on anything else and my mind is clear. The Zen Buddhist idea of living in the moment and disconnecting from earthly concerns has a valid point.

Training my self-dialogue is an added benefit of focused verbalized prayer. I try to make the first words out of my mouth in the morning “Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below, praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.” This is an outgrowth of the lesson I learned when my son, as a child, greeted me enthusiastically “Dad, I woke up!” In my groggy probably hung over grumpy mind I could not be angry or upset over such a greeting. I started over a quarter of a century ago trying to appreciate the fact that I had another day. That was a huge change over the attitude expressed before. The trivial tasks and challenges of the upcoming day would sometimes immediately overwhelm me. I started to control my self talk and quit cursing and yelling at myself. I named the negative voice “Bud,” after a person who was always speaking ill into my life. “OK Bud” became an appropriate response and helps shut that out of my mind. I still get pissed at things and have a tendency to be grumpy especially without coffee but praying helps focus me towards a higher goal.

One of the most effective ways of keeping me reverent is to pray for others. It reminds me of my uniquely blessed position and how I need to spread the love to others. I pray about adversarial relationships so I can remember my forgiveness and try to freely give grace. Life can be tough, prayer does not change the road but may remind you to look at the scenery on the detour. In times of battle I pray for a steady hand and accurate fire. I am sure my enemy is praying to their God. Blood will spill and heads will roll let me be an instrument of your will.

Some of the realities I recognize: God has a purpose for me, I will serve that purpose no matter what my desire, Pain and suffering are part of the experience. My sincere belief is that this short life is only part of my existence and lessons that I learn here will make sense someday. So pray. Pray often, pray silently, pray out loud. Pray kneeling, standing or on your head. Pray about things you can't change, pray for the strength, will and wisdom to change things you can change. Pray for forgiveness, pray to forgive. Thank God for all your blessings and whine about other things. Pray for yourself, pray for others. Pray often, sincerely, and reverently. Listen and evaluate the voices in your head.

I am a sinner saved by Grace

 I am a sinner and do not want to confess the sins of anyone else. Do NOT take this as convicting you of your sins. This is merely how I view sin.

Jesus said  “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?  You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. Mat. 7:3-5.

In 1 John 1:8 we are told: “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.”

This is in no way to condemn anyone but me. I try to remember that even if it has been a week since, for example, I cursed my heart is still wicked. The very act of thinking I am better than someone else because I do not sin the way they do is, in fact, a sin. This is illustrated by Jesus in The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector:

 “To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’

But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’

I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”Luke 18:9-14

I do NOT want to be like the people that beat themselves up over the fact that people sin. The people that get bent out of shape that for example, someone is working on the Sabbath are exactly the ones that killed Jesus. When I became a Christian and began to read the Bible I learned how far away from God's laws I am. The ten commandments are a good starting point. A lot of folks say “I never murdered” or something to justify their righteousness. The Jewish religion is all about atoning for sin, that is to make a sacrifice to pay for their sins and get right with God. They have over 613 rules in the Law, most of which I have broken. I found one that says don't eat a goat that is cooked in it's mother's milk. I finally found one that I had not broken. It gets worse when I read about the standard that Jesus wants. If I thought about a woman in lust, or was angry with my neighbor in my heart then I was guilty. The Jews had rituals to cleanse themselves from the separation between them and God. They even had specific rituals that address unintentional sins. That is part of the Gospel. With all the rules even the most religious and strict followers of the Law were constantly having to cleanse themselves.

The religious leaders of the day were angry that Jesus worked on the Sabbath healing people and performing miracles. That was one of the charges that they used to condemn him to death. The good news is that although he was without sin and died, his death served as atonement for our sins. I do not have to slaughter a goat, a bull or make a grain offering to pay for my sin. I am saved by Grace. God sent his one and only Son to earth to die on a cross and atone for the sins of the world. I did not, and can not do anything to earn my way into heaven. If I stack up all my good works against all my bad works I will certainly go to Hell. That is not to say I am an unrepentant sinner. I recognize that I sin every day. I do NOT love my neighbor as myself, I am angry, greedy, jealous, selfish and mean. I am learning how to NOT act on my evil nature. I AM trying hard everyday to make my words, deeds and thoughts bring glory to God. I suck. I know it. God forgives me.

The sins of commission, that is doing the wrong thing include cursing, gossiping, lust, pride, jealousy and anger. Sins of omission, that is NOT doing the right thing include laziness, not forgiving people and not loving my neighbor. Recognizing that I think bad thoughts, say and things is the first step to repentance. I am not Catholic so I have never been to confession. I freely confess my sins to God, and anyone who would care to listen. I do not get hung up on it. I think God wants us to be joyfully thankful.

Not mine but worth posting

watch your thoughts, they become words;

watch your words, they become actions;

watch your actions, they become habits;

watch your habits, they become character;

watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

Political thoughts November 2020

 I am grateful and proud of my heritage. Mixed blood for sure. We were both the conquered and the conquistadors, the cowboys and the Indians, explorers and exploited, pioneers and savages, settlers and vanquished. I think it strange that I am supposed to apologize for my role in oppressing billionaire celebrities.

The concept of natural/human rights versus the inherited caste system of nobles, kings and peasants was/is revolutionary. One of the problems with revolutions, coups and invasions is how to govern afterwards. The founding fathers put thought into our form of government. The role of government is to secure our God-given rights. People are created equal and the individual has inherent worth. The purpose of the collective is to secure the liberties of individual beings rather than perpetuate the system.

The conflicting separation of powers is designed to make it more difficult for a tyrannical power grab by one group or individual. Thier understanding of human nature still applies. Humans are selfish, greedy, power-hungry creatures that use tribalism to separate, conquer and control inconvenient individuals and groups. We were formed to be a nation of citizens rather than subjects.

Victimization, revenge, greed and identity politics are used to divide us. The narrative is that you are incapable of changing your station in life. If you become part of the collective you get what you deserve (rather than what you earn). The cyclic nature of these movements tend to be revolution, elation, purges and collapse. The state will continuously require greater sacrifices of liberty and demand new demonstrations of loyalty in order to purge traitors to the revolution.

Fidelity to the family must be eliminated. If you value anything over the state you must be canceled. Your family, your tribe, your religion, your alma matter, your gender/racial identity are divisions that will be used to control you.

Firearms and self-defense

 Current events have prompted people to arm themselves. Several of my friends and relatives have asked me for advice. I am not a firearm or self-defense expert. I am an enthusiastic lifelong student. Protecting your life and liberty is your responsibility. Society and governments are methods to ensure safety. It is rare to find someone who values your interests as deeply as you. As parents and spouses we are often the last line of protection. Let us explore the gun as a tool, discuss effective proficiency and touch on the moral/legal implications.

A gun is a tool that can put holes in things at a distance. Paper, prey and people are the most common things that may need holes. As one would not use a screw driver to cut down a tree selecting the correct tool for the mission is the first step. A hunting rifle designed to harvest large game is not appropriate for daily concealed carry. A snub nose revolver would be a poor choice for long range target shooting. Most of the inquiries I am fielding are people interested in self protection. Again refining the focus towards home security or personal protection while out and about may dictate the type of precautions and possibly the weapons systems we choose.

Most of the people asking for advice are primarily focusing on concealed carry options. Open carry may be an option to consider but that comes with an entirely different set of risk/benefit parameters. If one should choose the concealed carry option things to consider are comfort and reliability. A weapon on the nightstand or in the safe does you no good if you are assaulted at the gas station. The point is that if you intend on carrying make it a habit.

Speaking of habits weapons safety is paramount. Having a powerful destructive tool comes with a considerable responsibility. You must consider if you are willing to commit to practicing until you are effective. Effectiveness can be measured in various ways but eliminating the threat is a good starting point. Realistic focused and consistent practice will help your mechanical skills become smooth. These are indeed martial arts and mental clarity is essential. Imagine yourself “on-duty” when taking up arms thus impairment, either chemical or emotional is counter-productive.

Finally, one must consider the moral and legal implications of violence. Even if you did everything correct and attempted to take the peaceful route you may have to kill. There is a difference between murder and killing. Often it is semantics and is determined in a court of law. When preparing for battle determine in advance your “rules of engagement.” Think about how the worst-case scenario will play out post engagement. This may influence your weapon choice thinking of how a scary “assault rifle” may be presented in the courtroom vice an equally effective lever gun.

Arming yourself with a firearm should be part of a comprehensive strategy. Consider the threats and your exposure. Criminals and tyrants are both dissuaded by an armed populace. There are many layers of deterrence and levels of response. Locking your doors, avoiding the “bad” part of town, proper lighting can make you a harder target. Screaming and running away are possible responses to threats. Refusing to be a passive victim is a choice.

One of the side effects of 2020 has been the fact that more people are understanding our “gun culture.” Shooting sports bring great joy to my life but the purpose behind the practicing is to better prepare me to defend myself, my family, and my nation as I grow physically weaker with age.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Understand the police


Police are hired guns for the established power base. Your country, city or state may have guidance that includes “serve and protect” or formal rules that establish what branch of government they report to, and how they are supposed to operate.

Much confusion exists over the role of the police. The sheriff of Nottingham was enforcing the king's edicts. As society evolved and people began to divide their efforts based on specialized skills the ideas of law enforcement and national (tribal) defense emerged. The farmer and the rancher could feed the population while the artisan entertained. The craftsman could create and the merchant could trade if they did not have to spend all their time defending their lives and property.

Fast forward to the present day United States of America. For the most part a software engineer and an unemployed homeless person can exist without palpable fear of imminent death. Rival groups of protesters can express themselves with the understanding that cops, for the most part, will not use deadly force on either group and act as a pseudo referee. When cops arrest most citizens the expectation is that the police won't murder you in cold blood, take bribes and respect your rights.

On the other side of the law are a group of people who do not respect your right to exist, except to provide prey and booty for their benefit. The criminal justice system is designed to protect the rights of the accused, because it is recognized that it is the tendency of governments to abuse power. Seasoned criminals use these protections and the system to their advantage.

“The only thing worse than organized crime is disorganized crime.” Human laws are not natural laws like gravity. We make up agreements through our system of government and call them “laws.” Since enforcement comes from society and not nature, methods are mutually agreed upon to enforce said “laws.” You were born into this system. The people that made/make up the rules have their own agendas. Understand that the police are human cogs in the machinery of society. They have weapons to protect themselves, not you. They deal with people on the worst day of their life multiple times. They are a target and understand that. They are human and fallible. On the best day they enforce just laws in a just society and interact with cooperative, innocent, responsible citizens. But, on other days they meet you. If you act as if they don't care about you, your feelings and only want to go home, alive, uninjured with minimal paperwork and hassle you will likely survive.

De-funding the local law enforcement apparatus makes it easier for the federal government to impose it's will on the people with minimal resistance.

Happy Apocalypse


26 Jun 2020

The year 2020 has been interesting. “May you live in interesting times.” The virus, the riots and the aliens stoking fear are numbing people to chaos. To assign an overarching meaning and organization may be tin-foil hat territory because “random events” can not be controlled. Controlling the information flow has been the goal of “influencers” for millennia. “Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.”

Our society has a short attention span and is incredibly ignorant. All force, no vector. If it feels good, do it. The fools that swing to the latest trend of what to think, or how to feel are easily manipulated. Mindless consumption and instant gratification create soft minds and superficial morals.

Stoking fear and igniting a race war have been recurring themes as long as I have lived. From the race riots of the 1960's to the “Black lives matter” riots of 2020, people have been trying hard to get Americans to self-destruct. The idea that a free people can govern themselves threatens tyrants worldwide and has since 1776. I do not believe most Americans believe the phrase “enemies foreign and domestic” has merit.

Communism, Islamic terrorists, racial and class envy are but a few of the issues and organizations that want to dismantle our society. “How dare you” is shouted at Western leaders who “allow” peasants to drive cars, ride in airplanes or use any form of fossil fuel.

What did the communists use before candles?

Light bulbs.

Revolutions are messy and tend to deteriorate into dictatorship or anarchy. An Oliver Cromwell, Pol Pot or similar leader tends to emerge and “restore order” or implement the ideas of the revolution. Hitler is used as a label so often that few people ponder the evil associated with the nazis.

The fools that call for de-funding the police think that criminal justice will be replaced with “social justice” when it is more likely to devolve into frontier justice. Soft upper middle class hot topic punks and anarchists overestimate their abilities and count on mercy. Without the armed totalitarian government there will be no one to force the baker to prepare your cake, or remove the offensive sticker, or keep Jack from murdering you and taking all you own.

So, a prudent man prepares for war and promotes peace. Fervent and sincere prayer combined with disciplined living may extend one's usefulness. The longer into Armageddon we survive the more interesting things we will see.

Happy Apocalypse and Merry Armageddon

Love is


The stores are filled with candy and stuffed animals for Valentines Day. The expectations set by society cause a lot of pain.

I am no expert but love is a verb. People speak of "falling in love" like it is a hole in the ground, maybe "stepping in love" describes what they are doing. One of the stupid quotes from the divorce courts is "I am not in love any more" like it is a pond, a forest or a neighborhood. There are different types or levels of love. I love my friends and my country in a much different way than I love my wife.

Unconditional love is a great concept and is easier to apply to your kids. Relationships between lovers are WAY more complicated. Infidelity, physical and psychological abuse are examples of behavior that would warrant terminating the relationship.

Love is a verb; actions, thoughts and words. Feelings follow actions. This is where the "unconditional love" concept and real life clash. If your lover does not reciprocate, that is a problem. That does not mean that an instant tit for tat response is required or even desired. "Keeping a list" is a concept that can destroy relationships. If the list is a fairness scale then any imbalance causes problems. An alternate list is how/why I love you, or what I like about you and that can strengthen the bonds. Doing stuff for your partner without expecting anything in return is love.

One of the misconceptions of a successful marriage is that it is a 50/50 relationship. Both partners need to be in 100%. Trying to make sure you get your fair share and keeping score ends in resentment. Trying to give your best and rooting for your partner is a road to fulfillment.

Live forever or die today


A good friend of mine remarked that if he caught the virus today it would likely mean isolation, and since he is in the “at risk population,” likely death in isolation. He said “You know I may never see my wife and kids again, and that would suck.”

In my earlier incarnation as a paratrooper we were intimately aware of our mortality. They took our footprints and put it in our medical records because boots tend to stay together even in spectacularly catastrophic events. As science and technology advanced, they collected DNA samples since the blood mist and chunks of goo contain your essence and we can tell who is dead, who is presumed dead and who is missing. We were encouraged to have a will and they provided free legal advice, and of course, at first my mama was the sole beneficiary. Live fast die young was not only punk lyrics but a lifestyle. I was more concerned with the thrill of the moment until condition X and then, trying to find an accomplice to have a momentary thrill.

God blessed me with a wife. He may have cursed my wife with me, you will have to ask her. The birth of our children rattled my perspective even more. Humans, guilty of only being born were dependent on my good judgment. An insane woman, but I repeat myself, hitched her wagon to me. The deaths and gruesome injuries experienced by my co-workers cemented the reality that “You know I may never see my wife and kids again, and that would suck.” The fact that I commuted to work on a motorcycle on All American Freeway and later a bicycle on Yadkin road was probably more hazardous than any of my paratrooper antics. My wife recognized the reality of my mortality and too often another fatality in the units would hammer that home.

Early on we determined to part on a good note. Even when we were angry at each other we would kiss and say “I love you” when I left for work. In the days before cell phones and the internet we would be unable to communicate for extended periods of time. Standing in line at the pay phone with 300 hundred other dudes waiting to get their 5 minute call sucked. It really sucked when you did not get through, we sing songs about Jody. Long separations, stressful lives, divorce, and death; good thing I like heavy metal. It sucked worse when you got in a fight on the phone! “Life sucks and then you die” has some ring of truth. The long lost art of hand written letters could allow people to share deep thoughts, or not. Long shifts on silent watch can allow deep thoughts, or not. The deepest thoughts are often the hardest to express and sizzle with even deeper feelings.

Reuniting often brought joy. Embrace those few precious moments before the harsh realities of daily existence intrude. When you part company with people you care about let them know you love them.

Four Fundamentals


The four fundamentals of flight are: straight and level, turns, climbs and descents. It is vital that a pilot grasp these basics since all subsequent maneuvers are merely combinations and variations on a theme.

This is one of the first flight lessons and should be FUN. At the beginning of the training process people are generally overwhelmed and will only retain a portion of the information presented to them. A good briefing helps and if you can get the student to read ahead it can greatly increase performance. On the other side of the equation the student is chomping at the bit to get down to business and may not be receptive to a long drawn out explanation.

I tell the pilot “the recurring theme is pitch + power = performance.” There are other procedures we are introducing/reinforcing that will, if all goes as planned, become habitual.

Collision avoidance techniques and verbalizing “Clear left” “Clear right” prior to turning will increase the chance of seeing and avoiding other traffic and birds. I teach pilots to lower the nose and check for traffic at 500 AGL and then the top and bottom of the altimeter. After I observe that they are aware of their altitude and are indeed looking for traffic I will advise them to “try to do it in a straight line” as we discuss the need for rudder to compensate for p-factor and other left turning tendencies.

We will continue to practice the three-way positive exchange of flight controls. I make it a point to state that someone should be flying the aircraft the entire flight and the person who thinks they are flying should be the one flying. There are modifications of this concept such as “follow me through on the controls” when introducing or elaborating on a maneuver. Or “I am on the controls with you” when minor last minute corrections are needed such as a gusty crosswind approach. It is important that as much as possible you let the pilot make inputs without interference. This does not mean that you should not guard the controls. Keeping your hand staged behind the control yoke making it impossible to rapidly increase the angle of attack when doing so would be disastrous.

Successful Feedback


We all wish other people would just do what we say and then their problems would go away. Whether it is our friends, family or co-workers we often think we see the solution clearly. When we are teaching our children skills, like potty training, the message sometimes gets turned around and they learn the wrong lesson. "Tell me when you have to use the bathroom" is misunderstood and they lie to cover the offense. Telling the truth is more important than not soiling their pants but they do not understand.

The first principle is to remain calm and remember we do not control other people's attitude. Focus on the behavior. This is tricky because one of the most important lessons we can teach is keeping a good attitude. The best way to do this is, of course, by modeling. Remaining calm is harder than people give it credit. The more you care about the person the harder it is and I have no tricks to make it easier.

Constantly correcting people can discourage them and give them the idea that "I am never good enough." "You are always picking on me." This often leads either to depression or rebellion. One way to provide feedback is to sandwich the area for improvement with positive traits. Warm fuzzy, cold prickly, warm fuzzy. "You are so smart, I wish you would poo in the potty, you are great." It is important to be sincere, trust is essential.

Now, there are times that call for direct, cold, harsh words but those are rare indeed. DO NOT TOUCH THE STOVE!

I would like to give useful advise on how to help you give effective feedback but I am just another human. I think this way: Do I care about this person? Are they ready to listen? Am I ready to listen? Do I really have THE answer? Please share your thoughts.

From the Air Force

1. Determine the objective of the counseling before the session begins.

2. Hear the individual out.

3. Treat the member as having worth and dignity.

4. Show sincerity, courtesy, and personal interest in the individual.

5. Give the individual the facts, whether they are pleasant or unpleasant.

6. Don't brush off any problem as being too trivial.

7. Don't make snap decisions.

8. Don't make promises if you can't keep them.

9. Don't force decisions on the person - there may be other equally good and acceptable solutions.

10. Refer to other agencies.

11. Make contact for the individual with the referral agency.

12. Follow up referrals to make sure there is a continuity of action and that referrals are completed as soon as possible



Dog tags are used to identify the dead. As with all of the mundane details of life and death we must fill out forms for our dog tags. The blocks of information include your name, blood type and religious preference. One of the options is No Religious Preference abbreviated NRP or Nerp.

The story is that when they find your dead body and you are a nerp they assign you one. If the Jewish guy is on duty he prays over you in that format. If the Muslim dude is one duty there you go. I do not think they have an atheist Chaplin.

The things you see

It is a trite remark to say "My office has the best view" when describing the life of an airline pilot; it however does ring true many days. I was watching the sunrise while climbing out of the West Virginia mountains. The locals often call it by God West Virginia. The verdant green hills are cloaked in wispy, misty veils of fog. The sun pierces the horizon and fills the cockpit with a brilliant glow. The quiet earth below slowly comes to life. Shadows of the night retreat as the morning progresses. Some of the dark hollers remain cloaked. Meanwhile air traffic control issues a frequency change and we enter the clouds. A brief but brilliant rainbow flashes by. That was last Tuesday.