Thursday, December 15, 2022

Understand the police


Police are hired guns for the established power base. Your country, city or state may have guidance that includes “serve and protect” or formal rules that establish what branch of government they report to, and how they are supposed to operate.

Much confusion exists over the role of the police. The sheriff of Nottingham was enforcing the king's edicts. As society evolved and people began to divide their efforts based on specialized skills the ideas of law enforcement and national (tribal) defense emerged. The farmer and the rancher could feed the population while the artisan entertained. The craftsman could create and the merchant could trade if they did not have to spend all their time defending their lives and property.

Fast forward to the present day United States of America. For the most part a software engineer and an unemployed homeless person can exist without palpable fear of imminent death. Rival groups of protesters can express themselves with the understanding that cops, for the most part, will not use deadly force on either group and act as a pseudo referee. When cops arrest most citizens the expectation is that the police won't murder you in cold blood, take bribes and respect your rights.

On the other side of the law are a group of people who do not respect your right to exist, except to provide prey and booty for their benefit. The criminal justice system is designed to protect the rights of the accused, because it is recognized that it is the tendency of governments to abuse power. Seasoned criminals use these protections and the system to their advantage.

“The only thing worse than organized crime is disorganized crime.” Human laws are not natural laws like gravity. We make up agreements through our system of government and call them “laws.” Since enforcement comes from society and not nature, methods are mutually agreed upon to enforce said “laws.” You were born into this system. The people that made/make up the rules have their own agendas. Understand that the police are human cogs in the machinery of society. They have weapons to protect themselves, not you. They deal with people on the worst day of their life multiple times. They are a target and understand that. They are human and fallible. On the best day they enforce just laws in a just society and interact with cooperative, innocent, responsible citizens. But, on other days they meet you. If you act as if they don't care about you, your feelings and only want to go home, alive, uninjured with minimal paperwork and hassle you will likely survive.

De-funding the local law enforcement apparatus makes it easier for the federal government to impose it's will on the people with minimal resistance.

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