Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Political thoughts November 2020

 I am grateful and proud of my heritage. Mixed blood for sure. We were both the conquered and the conquistadors, the cowboys and the Indians, explorers and exploited, pioneers and savages, settlers and vanquished. I think it strange that I am supposed to apologize for my role in oppressing billionaire celebrities.

The concept of natural/human rights versus the inherited caste system of nobles, kings and peasants was/is revolutionary. One of the problems with revolutions, coups and invasions is how to govern afterwards. The founding fathers put thought into our form of government. The role of government is to secure our God-given rights. People are created equal and the individual has inherent worth. The purpose of the collective is to secure the liberties of individual beings rather than perpetuate the system.

The conflicting separation of powers is designed to make it more difficult for a tyrannical power grab by one group or individual. Thier understanding of human nature still applies. Humans are selfish, greedy, power-hungry creatures that use tribalism to separate, conquer and control inconvenient individuals and groups. We were formed to be a nation of citizens rather than subjects.

Victimization, revenge, greed and identity politics are used to divide us. The narrative is that you are incapable of changing your station in life. If you become part of the collective you get what you deserve (rather than what you earn). The cyclic nature of these movements tend to be revolution, elation, purges and collapse. The state will continuously require greater sacrifices of liberty and demand new demonstrations of loyalty in order to purge traitors to the revolution.

Fidelity to the family must be eliminated. If you value anything over the state you must be canceled. Your family, your tribe, your religion, your alma matter, your gender/racial identity are divisions that will be used to control you.

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