Monday, February 17, 2014

Flying again

Yesterday I went flying for the first time in eleven months. It was great! It is just like riding a unicycle…err something like that. Gross motor skills and procedures were solid. Finesse was not consistent. As with all flights I have room for improvement. When I think I flew “perfectly” I will quit because my ego will have clouded my vision and that is dangerous. “Often wrong never in doubt” is a recipe for disaster. It is an interesting line between confidence and hubris. That is why it is important to have a honest feedback. Big thanks to George for being a good friend and mentor.
I can operate the aircraft to a level that makes a safe and conducive learning environment. It will be a few flights before I will want to fly aerobatics. We focused only on VFR flight; IFR will soon follow. I was happy that my neck did not restrict my ability or desire to scan aggressively for traffic.
I will be able to offer limited flight instruction until I receive my medical certificate. If the pilot can act as PIC I can provide instruction. This article outlines the details
I think fatigue will be my biggest limiting factor. Thank you for your prayers and support. Thank God for all my blessings. Being able to open the world of flight is one of my favorites.

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