Monday, April 4, 2016


              I am an American mutt, the product of several waves of immigrants.  Some legal, some already here when the laws were made up and maybe even some illegals.  I don’t know since I am American.  We only keep track of a few generations back. 

              Some Germans legally immigrated and then moved to Texas and told the Indians to move.  The legally immigrated Spaniards disputed this and war ensued.  Raping and pillaging probably happened on both sides and pretty soon your grandchildren look like your former enemy. 

              The legally immigrated Europeans fought and died on both sides of the Civil War.  Were the slaves legal immigrants?  Breaking the law is not cool unless the law is immoral, then compliance with the law is wrong.  Slavery is wrong. 

              We are a nation of immigrants.  We have a history of hating and oppressing the latest wave of foreigners coming to take what’s ours.  Even if what is ours was taken from others.

              Trying to live up to the preamble of the Declaration of independence should be the focus. 

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

              Human rights are an interesting concept.  We need to recall that just because the other human is not complying with our will does not turn them into an animal.  Contrast this with a human who violates the rights or murders others, still not an animal but maybe Texican rules apply.  But that is an entirely different discussion

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