Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Progress, perspective and the New Year

As 2013 comes to a close it is normal to reflect on the past year and plan for the coming one. Since the future is uncertain boasting about the plans of Moss and men is vanity, but we do plan. Our plans reflect our outlook, and our outlook reflects our experience. This last year was challenging. I am so thankful to be alive. Thank God my family is intact. A few days ago my son was in an auto accident. He is alive! All of the aches and pains of the last few months are swept away when I think of how lucky I am to have a son.
We are blessed. My immediate family is relatively healthy and happy. Our extended family in the Philippines escaped the largest typhoon on record. My uncle had a positive outcome to his operation. My mother is the happiest I have seen her in years. I am alive. My body is healing. Physical therapy is helping. My ability to turn my head increased by 2 degrees on the right and 34 degrees on the left! My ability to tilt my head increase 15 degrees on the right and remained constant on the left. The remaining muscles are adapting to their new role. Stiffness and pain accompany the new growth but it has a purpose. The neuropathy remains but I am getting used to the sensations. My research tells me it may last six months to two years…to forever. I have an appointment with the flight doctor so that if/when the CT scan results show no cancer I can start the process to get my medical certificate. I am hopeful of a positive outcome but at peace with any path. Thank God for all my blessings. The sustained outpouring of support from all our friends and family is indeed inspirational. Thank all of you. I look forward to the New Year and wish the best for all of you.


  1. I,for one, am very happy you are here with us. Looking forward to seeing you back in the cockpit where you belong!

    1. Thanks Jan. You and all the wings family have been inspirational.
