Today we saw the radiologist for a follow up. He stuck the camera down my nose until he could see my throat. No sign of cancer! We talked about drugs and pain management. They are not as scared of the pain medication as I am. They suggested that occasional use to sleep is not the evil path to addiction that I suspect. They had an interesting point of view that not all patients report withdrawal symptoms and many people are dosing with heavier drugs. The scary documentaries about “hillbilly heroin” I watched the addicts were using 80 mg pills and mine were 5 mg. That only means I am a cheap date…or I have a low tolerance for that type of drug. They said beer is not bad; used in moderation it may help me sleep and will add to my weight. I know myself and I need to be careful with alcohol, I am a retired semi-pro. When I was young and idiotic I drank to stupor often. It was what young GIs did in the day. I think I had fun but I can’t remember much…’cus I was drunk. A DUI cured me. I quit drinking completely for four years. I allow myself to drink socially since it is an accepted way for people to bond.
Pain is not fun but it was put into perspective today; I saw a blind man, a beggar, and a person with no legs. It sounds like the opening line to a joke but it is reality. God often points out things. Count your blessings and enjoy the time you have by serving others. I am doing great and getting stronger everyday. It will take time to heal to the point that I can work a whole day and/or be mentally sharp enough to fly or ride motorcycles. Patience is a virtue and I am human so I am working on that. Thanks to all of my friends and family for the prayers, calls, letters and practical support. My lovely bride continues to inspire me to be a better man. We start official supervised physical therapy next week that should help the healing process.
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