Monday, December 23, 2013

Mental Toughness

I am weak. God is strong. He is building me up mentally, physically and spiritually. One aspect is mental toughness. Giving up is not an option. Understanding that trying to sustain the fight on my own is not the way either. Relying on God to lift me up when I fall is the way. Methods vary and here is the one I am using.

Goal setting – Goal setting can be long term (learning a skill, attaining a degree) or short term (I am going to make it to breakfast…I am going to make it another ten seconds) the important thing is to give your mind a target. You should reward yourself when you achieve your goals. One of the bigger challenges is to be able to re-engage if/when you do NOT make the goal. I want to return to aerobatics, flight instruction and motorcycling. Intermediate goals include being as healthy as possible for my January appointment. I have NO control over the results of the scan but I want to return to flight status as soon as I can if/when the results are positive. Be an example of serenity to others by allowing peace to flow through me.

Mental Rehearsal – visualize as vividly as you can. I see myself as cancer-free and strong. I can feel the strength flowing though my veins. I see/feel health enter with each inhale with pain and sickness exiting my body with each exhale. When things are tough become aware of being alive. Focus on each breath. Recognize and acknowledge sensations.

Self talk – We all think and talk to ourselves. Try to control the process and make the voices in our head say good things. This could be verbalized or internal…positive coaching…prayer works great here. I do not have an elaborate prayer but say “God, help me, strengthen me and let me do your will”

Arousal control – Do NOT get too wrapped around the axle about anything. Remember life is temporary and transitory. Control your breathing, specifically long slow exhales…

The goal in retraining the brain is NOT to make the pain go away but to stop resisting. Set a goal for something you wish to do that the pain is holding you back. Look for small steps. Identify pain triggers. Feel and name emotions. Count your blessings.

This method works but requires concentrated effort. When I let my guard down it can seem overwhelming. Everyday I am getting better. Some days I work my body too hard and I pay the price especially the next day. Details: the left shoulder is still adjusting to muscular weakness and structural misalignment lots of pain with movement especially above the chest, the remaining neck muscles on the left side are crazy stiff and painful because they are compensating for the loss of the other muscles, throat pain is present as the irradiated tissues heal, and neuropathic pain in hands and feet is still a constant challenge. I thank God for my friends and family especially my wife. Thank y’all for all the support.

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