26 Jun 2020
The year 2020 has been interesting. “May you live in interesting times.” The virus, the riots and the aliens stoking fear are numbing people to chaos. To assign an overarching meaning and organization may be tin-foil hat territory because “random events” can not be controlled. Controlling the information flow has been the goal of “influencers” for millennia. “Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.”
Our society has a short attention span and is incredibly ignorant. All force, no vector. If it feels good, do it. The fools that swing to the latest trend of what to think, or how to feel are easily manipulated. Mindless consumption and instant gratification create soft minds and superficial morals.
Stoking fear and igniting a race war have been recurring themes as long as I have lived. From the race riots of the 1960's to the “Black lives matter” riots of 2020, people have been trying hard to get Americans to self-destruct. The idea that a free people can govern themselves threatens tyrants worldwide and has since 1776. I do not believe most Americans believe the phrase “enemies foreign and domestic” has merit.
Communism, Islamic terrorists, racial and class envy are but a few of the issues and organizations that want to dismantle our society. “How dare you” is shouted at Western leaders who “allow” peasants to drive cars, ride in airplanes or use any form of fossil fuel.
What did the communists use before candles?
Light bulbs.
Revolutions are messy and tend to deteriorate into dictatorship or anarchy. An Oliver Cromwell, Pol Pot or similar leader tends to emerge and “restore order” or implement the ideas of the revolution. Hitler is used as a label so often that few people ponder the evil associated with the nazis.
The fools that call for de-funding the police think that criminal justice will be replaced with “social justice” when it is more likely to devolve into frontier justice. Soft upper middle class hot topic punks and anarchists overestimate their abilities and count on mercy. Without the armed totalitarian government there will be no one to force the baker to prepare your cake, or remove the offensive sticker, or keep Jack from murdering you and taking all you own.
So, a prudent man prepares for war and promotes peace. Fervent and sincere prayer combined with disciplined living may extend one's usefulness. The longer into Armageddon we survive the more interesting things we will see.
Happy Apocalypse and Merry Armageddon
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