Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Firearms and self-defense

 Current events have prompted people to arm themselves. Several of my friends and relatives have asked me for advice. I am not a firearm or self-defense expert. I am an enthusiastic lifelong student. Protecting your life and liberty is your responsibility. Society and governments are methods to ensure safety. It is rare to find someone who values your interests as deeply as you. As parents and spouses we are often the last line of protection. Let us explore the gun as a tool, discuss effective proficiency and touch on the moral/legal implications.

A gun is a tool that can put holes in things at a distance. Paper, prey and people are the most common things that may need holes. As one would not use a screw driver to cut down a tree selecting the correct tool for the mission is the first step. A hunting rifle designed to harvest large game is not appropriate for daily concealed carry. A snub nose revolver would be a poor choice for long range target shooting. Most of the inquiries I am fielding are people interested in self protection. Again refining the focus towards home security or personal protection while out and about may dictate the type of precautions and possibly the weapons systems we choose.

Most of the people asking for advice are primarily focusing on concealed carry options. Open carry may be an option to consider but that comes with an entirely different set of risk/benefit parameters. If one should choose the concealed carry option things to consider are comfort and reliability. A weapon on the nightstand or in the safe does you no good if you are assaulted at the gas station. The point is that if you intend on carrying make it a habit.

Speaking of habits weapons safety is paramount. Having a powerful destructive tool comes with a considerable responsibility. You must consider if you are willing to commit to practicing until you are effective. Effectiveness can be measured in various ways but eliminating the threat is a good starting point. Realistic focused and consistent practice will help your mechanical skills become smooth. These are indeed martial arts and mental clarity is essential. Imagine yourself “on-duty” when taking up arms thus impairment, either chemical or emotional is counter-productive.

Finally, one must consider the moral and legal implications of violence. Even if you did everything correct and attempted to take the peaceful route you may have to kill. There is a difference between murder and killing. Often it is semantics and is determined in a court of law. When preparing for battle determine in advance your “rules of engagement.” Think about how the worst-case scenario will play out post engagement. This may influence your weapon choice thinking of how a scary “assault rifle” may be presented in the courtroom vice an equally effective lever gun.

Arming yourself with a firearm should be part of a comprehensive strategy. Consider the threats and your exposure. Criminals and tyrants are both dissuaded by an armed populace. There are many layers of deterrence and levels of response. Locking your doors, avoiding the “bad” part of town, proper lighting can make you a harder target. Screaming and running away are possible responses to threats. Refusing to be a passive victim is a choice.

One of the side effects of 2020 has been the fact that more people are understanding our “gun culture.” Shooting sports bring great joy to my life but the purpose behind the practicing is to better prepare me to defend myself, my family, and my nation as I grow physically weaker with age.

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