I have awesome friends and a family sent straight from God.
We were all sent here to help, inspire, and love on each other. Fitz ran a marathon and dedicated it to me. A two fold tale. He inspires me to recall that I have endured trails before and this won't be a sprint. He can inspire others to put their challenges in perspective. The wrong kind of milk in your latte' may inspire wrath for the barista but it is your glory to give grace. We all have good days and bad days. Think about your bad days and how uplifting it is if an unexpected person gives you a word of encouragement. "Run Ronney, run!" was hollered at me many times over the years. During cross country and track in high school, in the military and at multiple races around the world…Some of the voices I recognize like my wife and my mother but others are just people who helped me mentally. (There were often special words in the military, some not even English ;)
Fitz and friends last December
It is with great sadness that I read of the death of a young combat controller, Captain Neil Landsberg http://tinyurl.com/cekde2k
It puts all my tiny problems into perspective. Take care of each other.
Heard about Jeff Bray recently. And Danny. And Lamar. Wow. Life is so short, and can end so abruptly. Should give us pause to consider what we have to be thankful for, and should remind us to make a concerted effort to use each moment of our lives for the betterment of others. You never know when...