In the interconnected virtual world we live in we can almost hear each others think:-)
Thank God for all the people thinking of me and praying for me.
If my words have brought joy and inspiration to anyone I am delighted.
It is becuase I am an inspired man. I am a joyous man.
Inspired by the Living God.
Joyous of the love He has
for me...for you..for all of us. We can all shout "He Loves Me!"
Don't waste your cancer . Many times I have thought "If we can live through this will be a good story." So far, I have several good stories.
As you are rolled in the surf know you are in his hands and He loves you. If you die you get to be with Him. Awesome.
Love that we're each an individual work of art like a "Jar of Clay". Is it strange that some of us just have it in us to be "rolled" (weaker would call it rolled up, beat up, and drowned) in order to get that way, like beautiful sea glass!?