Monday, February 6, 2017

The purpose of this blog

In 2013 I was diagnosed with stage IV cancer and some of my buddies suggested I start a blog.  The original purpose was to help people dealing with cancer.  I was also able to vent my feelings.  That purpose remains.  I survived the treatment and have no evidence of disease.
  Praise God.  He blessed me with a brilliant treatment team and an incredible care-giver.  The aftermath of the treatment still provides challenges.  I  hope I can help people facing similar life events.  As time passed I quit writing as often, mainly because I am trying to live as actively as I can handle.

  I determined I would set up a blog rather than post on Facebook because I am not seeking attention.  If you read this blog it is because you sought it out rather than having it constantly on your timeline.  I like Facebook.  It has a purpose.  I am was able to reestablish contact with many of my friends and family.  One of my Air Force buddies was coming to Fort Bragg on business and we were able to have dinner together.  I try to wish people a happy birthday when I am notified but I refrain from much else.  I like seeing the photos and getting updates but it is often too much information and the political/religious discussions are rarely productive.

  That being said, I am going to try to write more often.  This is a place for me to write about stuff I love: family, flying, faith, motorcycles, gardening and the general human condition.  My  flight students suggested that I place study materials on the site.  They also suggested I review products that I use and monetize the process.  It makes sense to take advise from people who can afford to fly.  It is my understanding that I can make fractions of cents but it will provide more incentive to write.

  I enjoy writing and do so regularly but I tend to keep it to myself.  The process is generally reflective in nature and I use it to capture lessons and organize my thoughts.  My good friend had a website way back in the 1990s and had fun with it.
  He was helping people who were interested in joining special tactics units in the USAF.
  I do not think I will get that specialized or elaborate but I look forward to writing more.  Feedback is welcome.

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