Monday, April 4, 2016


              The political season is quite contentious.  We have the government we deserve.  Although the turmoil we see these days is distressing a little perspective is reassuring. 

              In my lifetime there were riots at the political conventions, police were using water cannons and clubs to deny Americans basic civil rights and the military killed student protestors.  Despite the insanity that attempts to tear our nation apart and separate us we are moving in a relatively peaceable manner toward the orderly transfer of power by an electoral process.  The American people seem unimpressed by idiots attempting to divide us by race, religion, income, gender, sexual orientation or other method. 

               I hope the passion that some people feel will last long enough to hold the elected accountable.  The elections are important but the years between are why we “hired” them.  Perhaps this is the year the stranglehold of the two party system will collapse.  I mainly vote against the candidates perhaps this year people will say NO to (red vs. blue) and pick one of the other choices.  That would be funny.

              The “powers that be” have tapped into anger, pray that we remain civilized. 

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