One day a long time ago there was a janitor. He worked hard and kept his nose clean for this was one of the few jobs he could get.
One spring morning he noticed the maid. She was beautiful! He would watch her arrive at work and he would watch her as she would leave. Throughout the day he would catch glimpses of her but he was too scared to talk to her. This went on for a long time.
One Monday they bumped into each other.
He said "Excuse me miss, pardon me miss." as he stumbled over his feet which seemed to be in his mouth. She giggled and said it's OK.
He said I notice you use Pine-sol rather than Lysol. She responded that she liked Pine-sol's scent but Lysol makes a great antibacterial spray that does not leave much of an odor.
He thought that this is the perfect woman for me and they spoke for hours on the benefits of various materials and methods, comparing notes. Yeah, they kept notes. Over the next few months and years they learned more about each other and a lot about cleaning.
One day...
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