Barry asked me to write a festive article. Everyday is Christmas for a pilot. People ask “How are you?” “Awesome!” I answer.
I woke up. I am blessed with life; I woke up breathing non-toxic air under a roof that does not leak and in a warm bed with no one shooting at me. I went and brushed my teeth and drank some water with no fear of dysentery. What a magical time. How many gifts I have! Every day is Christmas for a pilot.
My breakfast was nutritious and delicious. I do not want for food as a matter of fact I have to restrain my gluttonous tendencies. I am blessed more than most; I kiss my wife and my children as I leave for the airport. Should I take my truck, or my car, or my motorcycle? What a magical time. How many gifts I have! Every day is Christmas for a pilot.
I get a standard weather briefing on the way to the airport. I live in a delightful time where I can speak to another human that is miles away and discuss the intricate knowledge gained from satellites and radar. What a magical time. How many gifts I have! Every day is Christmas for a pilot.
Arriving at the airport I am greeted by my friends as I head out to pre-flight the aircraft. I examine with exacting glee the product designed by geniuses and shaped by of hundreds of skilled craftsmen. What a magical time. How many gifts I have! Every day is Christmas for a pilot.
After some time I find myself applying throttle and accelerating down the runway. Before you know it we are in the air and climbing! Some days I get to fly in and out of the clouds. I get to glimpse at sights that only the birds and the angels see. Last night was a light show. Ribbons of light made of angry motorists stuck in traffic but it's beautiful to me. What a magical time. How many gifts I have! Every day is Christmas for a pilot.
After multiple vectors to and fro we roll out on final and see the approach lights all in a row, flashing white leading to the green and red of the runway with beautiful blue lights of the taxiways trimming the edges with wisps of green taxiway centerlines. What a magical time. How many gifts I have! Every day is Christmas for a pilot.
Sometimes I get to give people their first ride in an airplane. What a magical time. How many gifts I have! Every day is Christmas for a pilot and some days you get to be Santa Claus. Merry Christmas.
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