Friday, April 18, 2014

Spring 2014

The trees are green and the flowers are blooming. The snow and ice is finally gone but in typical North Carolina fashion it was in the eighties on Sunday and may dip into the lower thirties by Wednesday. I have the second round of plants in the ground, I hope they survive. I tend to plant early and often. Sometimes I am lucky and I get an early crop and other times the gamble does not pay off.
My FAA medical is still not approved. The most recent update is that it is on the doctor’s desk which is better than the janitor’s desk. The route so far has been “we received it” to “a reviewer’s desk” to the “doctor’s desk.” I do not have a clear picture of where it goes from there or how long it takes. The reviewer to the doctor took three weeks. I am flying and teaching but it severely limits my potential client base.
Ben and I started basic obedience training last week. It will be interesting to see if he can become a therapy dog. He is a wonderful listener and has made my life better. I hope to be able to bring some of that love to others.
I continue to adapt to the new normal. The damage from the treatment has lingering effects. Pain and fatigue are the most prominent. I am somewhat paranoid over recurrence but then getting killed by someone texting and driving is probably a bigger hazard. My brothers continue to inspire me to quit whining and work hard at the rehabilitation exercises.

As Easter approaches I thank God for all my blessings. My apprehension of death is still palpable but my faith in the promise of salvation is stronger. Our lives on this planet are short and often feel meaningless. I choose to believe that our lives have consequences and not just the things we do for a human audience but even our thoughts when we are alone. That is because I do not feel like I am alone. I choose to believe I have an eternal soul created by a loving God that came to earth to rescue us. One of my great friends said “The Bible is just a story.” It is a wonderful love story that, if true, changes everything. “Now we are just arguing over imaginary friends.” quipped the critic. But my imaginary friend says I should love you like you are a child of God; do you really want to convince me that he does not exist? Jesus Christ saved my soul and changed my heart. Happy Easter and God Bless.

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