Monday they operated on my throat and neck and removed the remains of the tumor(s). The lower neck mass, aka limpoolio, was wrapped around a lot of the underline structures some of which required removal. In addition to the tumors they removed (part of) my sternocleidomastoid muscle, internal jugular vein, and cranial nerve 11. They also took a sample where the original tonsil/tumor was to make sure that no traces of cancer remain. The biopsy results will determine our next course of action. Best case scenario: physical therapy to deal with the deficits of missing muscles, veins and nerves. Worst case scenario: radiation and chemotherapy as long as traces of cancer are left. I spent 72 hours in the hospital recovering. The entire staff was wonderful. My mom stayed with me which allowed my lovely wife a little bit of a break. My caregivers are starting to show signs of strain but God strengthens us. I am so happy to be home. Last night I spent time with my wife, my mother, and my kids. The increase in appetite, exercise, and love is quite healing. The animals seem to be happy to see me. I look forward to a healthy immune system so I can play with all my freaky family. Dave and Athena have not visited since the third week of chemo. I am at ease with whatever happens. I hope, and pray for a clean report and to be healthy again soon. I have been working hard on rehabilitation exercises, prayer, nutrition, and rest. It concerns me that the veins that drain my brain are compromised. I don't know what impact that will have on flight. I hope that I have an opportunity to work on that issue. I recognize that the battle is not over. The doctor seems quite happy with my progress so far. Thank all of you for your kind words, deeds, and prayers.
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